Watch Alphas Season 1 Episode 7 Catch and Release | Alphas s01 e07 Catch and Release Synopsis | Alphas Episode 7 Catch and Release Preview | Alphas Season 1 Episode 7 Catch and Release Will Be Aired 22 Aug 2011 Monday 10:00 PM on Syfy.
Synopsis Of Alphas Season 1 Episode 7 Catch and Release : Alphas follow a group of people who possess mental and physical abilities like no one else who work for a secret government agency that has chosen to take criminal acts into their own hands. Their extraordinary talent allows them to uncover what the CIA, FBI and Pentagon cannot or will not solve The team must locate and protect Skylar, an Alpha whose inventions could be dangerous in the wrong hands.A young Alpha with the ability to create powerful inventions from common items goes missing, and Rosen and his team are called upon to find her... and protect her.