Watch Sons of Anarchy Season 4 Ep3 (403) Dorylus, Sons of Anarchy s04 e03 Dorylus Summary| Sons of Anarchy - Dorylus Preview, Sons of Anarchy Season 4 Episode 3 Will Be Aired 20 Sep 2011 Tuesday 10:00 Pm on FX.
Synopsis Of Sons of Anarchy 4x3 Dorylus: As Jax and Clay attempt to sell the Mexican cartel deal to the rest of the club the Feds think they may have come up with an idea to take SAMCRO down. Gemma confronts Tara about Maureen's note and Kozik is challenged to a basketball game.From Kurt Sutter, writer/producer of The Shield, comes Sons of Anarchy, a dark drama set in Charming, a sheltered community watched over by a renegade motorcycle club intent on protecting the town from the newcomers that threaten it. Jackson "Jax" Teller is one member of the brotherhood, who finds his own loyalty to the group tested when he experiences its increasing lawlessness and notoriety, while at the same time adjusting to life as a father. But confusing matters are Jax's mother and stepfather, two ruthless individuals who happen to be the masterminds behind the club."Click To Watch Live Sons of Anarchy full Ep vidio?"
While Clay and Jax campaign with club members for the Mexican-cartel deal, the Feds think that they might have found a way to take SAMCRO down. Meanwhile, Gemma confronts Tara about the note she found; and Kozik is challenged to a game of basketball.