Suburgatory Season 1 Episode 1 Series Premiere

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Watch Suburgatory Season 1 (101)  Series Premiere
George, a single dad, wants what's best for his sixteen-year-old daughter Tessa. So when he finds something he doesn't approve of, he uproots them from their New York apartment to the suburbs. Tessa doesn't like the new arrangement however maybe this is just what the two of them need for their relationship to be stronger than ever.In the season premiere of Suburgatory (mix of the words suburban and purgatory), Tessa and George have been on their own ever since the mother of Tessa mom pulled a "Kramer vs. Kramer." So far George has done a pretty good job of raising Tessa without a maternal figure in their lives, but suddenly he is feeling a little out of his league, especially after he finds a pack of condoms in her room. So it is goodbye to New York City and hello suburbs. "Watch To Live Suburgatory full Ep vidio?"

At first Tessa is horrified by the big-haired, fake-boobed mothers and their sugar-free, Red Bull-chugging kids. But little by little, she and her dad begin to find a way to survive on the clean streets of the burbs. Sure, the neighbors might smother you with love while their kids stare daggers at your back, but underneath all that plastic and caffeine, they are really not half bad. Being in the 'burbs can be hell, but it also may just bring Tessa and George closer than they have ever been.

Episode Details: Season 1 Episode 1  Pilot
Episode Name: “Pilot 

Aired on: Wednesday 28 Sep 2011 - 8 :00 PM  
Channel:  on ABC