Watch Ancient Aliens Season 3 Ep 8 - Aliens and Lost Worlds| Ancient Aliens S0308 - Aliens and Lost Worlds Summary,Ancient Aliens - Aliens and Lost Worlds Preview| Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 8 Will Be Aired 15 Sep 2011 Thu 10:00 Pm on History Chanel.
Synopsis Of Ancient Aliens 3x8 - Aliens and Lost Worlds: Presented in the 1968 bestselling book Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken, the theory of "ancient aliens" rocked people's beliefs in mankind's progress. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, remains of landing strips in Peru, and Indian texts that describe the "flying machines of the gods" were just a few of the odd archaeological artefacts cited by von Daniken as proof that ancient astronauts were well known to our ancestors.
Mysterious legends and crumbling ruins are all that is left of our planet's lost worlds. But could there be proof of ancient alien visitors hidden among the artifacts of civilizations that have long vanished? Strange carvings suggest the Mayan city of Copan was ruled by the descendants of otherworldly beings. And some believe the ancient Nazca people altered their bodies--and their lands--to signal the star gods to return. Are the astounding accomplishments of lost civilizations merely the products of ancient folklore--or could they have been something..."Click To Watch Live Ancient Aliens full Ep vidio?"
Preview Episode:
Scientists are continually challenged by unidentified strains of bacteria with mysterious origins. Could some of our most crippling plagues and epidemics be traced to the darkest voids of space--or even extraterrestrial intervention? During the Black Death of the Middle Ages, people reported bronze flying ships emitting a strange mist. As recently as 2011, NASA scientist Richard Hoover published evidence of life in meteorites. Is it possible that ancient aliens--as small as microbes--have shaped human history?