Watch Wizards of Waverly Place Season 4 Ep19 100th Episode - Alex the Puppetmaster, Wizards of Waverly Place S04 E19 - 100th Episode - Alex the Puppetmaster Summary| Wizards of Waverly Place - 100th Episode - Alex the Puppetmaster Preview,Wizards of Waverly Place Season 4 Episode 19 -Will Be Aired 16 Sep 2011 Friday 8:00 Pm on Disney Chanel.
synopsis Of Wizards of Waverly Place 4x19 - 100th Episode - Alex the Puppetmaster: The Russo family has a secret. Their children are wizards. Alex, Justin, and Max Russo are three young wizards who have to harness and develop their magical powers in order to keep them. Only one of them will be able to keep their powers. All three have to compete with each other in order to be the one who remains a wizard.Now that Alex and Harper have graduated high school, they decide to get their own apartment until they realize they can't afford the rent. In an effort to raise money for rent, Alex and Harper enlist the help of Justin and Zeke and put on a puppet show for neighborhood kids."Click To Watch Live full Ep vidio?"
Preview Of Episode: Alex attempts to help Justin prepare his students for the big "Wizard's Knowledge Test", yet they all fall short of expectation when she pushes them to take the exam early, barring Justin from the family Wizard competition. Meanwhile, Theresa and Jerry enlist the help of Harper to create a childhood memory scrapbook for Max.Justin tries to get back into a family wizard competition after suddenly being barred from it. Meanwhile, Harper helps Theresa and Jerry create a childhood-memory scrapbook for Max.